Make Email Marketing Part of Your Advertising Mix

French film director, Robert Bresson, once said, “An old thing becomes new if you detach it from what usually surrounds it.” 

In response to this, it is time to stop seeing emails as a “thing of the past” and bring them into the light as a “thing of the future.”

 “What are emails the future of?” you ask.  They are the future of marketing, success of your company, and a genuine connection with your customers. 

Email marketing is the use of email to help provide better service to customers and build better relationships with clients. It remains one of the most powerful and understood forms of communication among companies and individuals. 

Why email marketing? 

  • It’s direct. Every email you send goes directly to the individual who is intended to read it. Unlike on social media, where there is only a chance that the information will be seen. 

  • It’s an affordable and simple interface. Creating a campaign through email is inexpensive, easy, and customizable. Many free email marketing platforms exist online.

  • More reachable. Not everyone has a Facebook or Instagram, but almost all adults have an email. In fact, there are 3.8 billion email users worldwide. If you want a way to reach your customers, this is it. The average adult checks their email several times each day. 

How do I get started?

  • Build up your email list. Start your list with everyone that you have on file.

  • Build a great blog. Add a “subscribe to our newsletter” option.

  • Contact us at White Oak Advertising and Public Relations. We would be glad to help assist you as you navigate the world of email marketing and discover what works best for your company. 

So, go ahead, try out email marketing as a new strategy! 

As said by Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg:

 “The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” 
