Customer Service Will Never Go Out of Style

New techniques on how to draw customers to a business are in constant development, but customer service never goes out of style. Based on research from the websites of Business Insider and Entrepreneur, this article will revolve around this element.  

Fill in this phrase: “The customer is always______.”

If you put “right”, you are correct, and if you didn’t…well, we know you did. 

Even if in our mind we do not believe a customer is right, we must treat them with the respect and appearance that we believe they are. A business that treats their customers well will go a lot further than a business who dismisses their customers’ needs/concerns. This blog breaks this down into four reasons.

Here is another “finish the phrase” for you:

“Go the extra _____.”

You said “mile” …correct? If so, good job. You are on your way to becoming a business that customers will recommend. 

Why am I using this phrase you’ve already heard a million times? When a business takes the time to “go the extra mile” by building a genuine relationship with their customers, those same customers will want to tell others about the business. Read more about going the extra mile here. And remember, word-of-mouth still stands as the best marketing strategy. 

Greet your clients with style

Lots more people are working from home these days. Nothing is more off putting than calling a business and hearing the phone answered by a random friend/family member. Get a professional voicemail to avoid this awkward encounter of your child and aspiring customer. 

Once you have a professional voicemail, it also gives your customers better options. For example, “Press 1 to speak with Jenny”, or, “Press 3 to sign up for our newsletter”. 

I hope that you find this information useful and that it helps you grow your business.

 To find more information on this topic, explore the links listed below and explore our website to see if White Oak Advertising is right for you. 

“Five Unconventional Ways to Get More Customers”

“21 Ways to Bring in the Business"